
Saturday, June 29, 2013

You're Not Alone - Syucha


Disaat aku butuh sebuah cinta.
Cinta itu menghilang entah kemana.
Akupun beralih untuk mencari cinta yang lain.
Cinta yang dapat membuatku tersenyum.

Disaat seperti ini tidak ada satu orangpun di sisi ku
Tidak ada yang menemaniku.
Hanyalah cahaya terang bulan dan bintang.
Mereka bersinar di langit yang begitu luas.

Andaikan aku bintang dan bulan.
akan ku tunjukkan cahayaku padamu
Agar kau mau memberikan cintamu untukku.
Agar kau tidak memandah sebelah matakan aku.

Apakah aku harus seperti mereka?
Bagaimana bila aku tak bisa menjadi bintang
Bagaimana bila aku tak bisa menjadi bulan
haruskah kau memilah milih untuk memberikan cinta
memberikan kasih sayang

Aku tidak apa-apa
Anggaplah semua ini adalah kesalahanku
Karena aku lalai
Dan karena hukum alam yang adil

Lupakanlah aku
Aku masih memiliki Tuhan
Karena aku takkan pernah sendiri
Walau aku kesepian akan kasih sayangmu.


When I need a love.
Love it disappeared somewhere.
I will switch to find another love.
Love that can make me smile.

At a time like this is not no one in my side
No one to accompany me.
Just a bright moon and star light.
They shine in the sky is so vast.

me suppose the moon and stars.
I'll show you my light
So you want to give your love to me.
So you do not memandah next matakan me.

Do me have to like them?
What if I can not be a star
What if I can not be in
Should you choose to give a sort of love
give love

I'm fine
Suppose that all of this was my fault
Because I neglected
And because natural law is fair

me Forget about
I still have God
Because me'll never alone
Even though me will be lonely of your affection.

-your daughter-

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Syucha - Chance to change

I failed in my life
I want a second chance at life
step and start over in a new sheet
new sheet is still empty

whether the world will give me a chance?
a second chance to improve life
I was wrong about this world
I was never given the chance to turn a new page
all of them told me not to do it

do not let the tears flowed freely
obstruct the flow of tears with whatever you can
any do not let me cry
cry just because of second chance

what is my fault in the first life?
why do I feel worse and failed
so many tears that I spend
I life in a lie, everything is a lie

Can I change everything that has happened
Let it be a memory failure
memories that can never be forgotten
but what would happen if the memories will be a my nightmare?

do not let the tears flowed freely
obstruct the flow of tears with whatever you can
any do not let me cry
cry just because of second chance

not provide a better opportunity
better than regret later
give the best, so it will be best
later ....

-syucha pelu-