
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Text Procedure

Chocolate Cupcake

Ingredients cake:
3 eggs
100 grams of granulated sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
50 grams of black glutinous rice
20 grams of cocoa powder
50 grams of cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
25 grams of margarine, melted
50 grams of instant coconut milk
1/2 teaspoon chocolate paste

Topping Ingredients:
25 grams of dark cooking chocolate, melted, cooled briefly
75 grams buttercream
2 tablespoons creamy peanut butter

How to make:

  1. whisk the eggs, sugar and salt until fluffy. enter the black glutinous rice flour, chocolate powder, cornstarch, and baking powder as she sifted and mix evenly.
  2. Enter the margarine mixture, chocolate paste, and coconut milk little by little, stirring gently.
  3. pour into muffin tins short size in width base paper cup.
  4. steamed in a steamer that has been heated over medium heat 15 minutes until cooked.
  5. topping, whipped topping ingredients evenly. insert into the plastic triangle. spray using a syringe on top of cupcake.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Pulsa Gratis 2013 AMPUH!

Hai mau tau kan gimana caranya dapet pulsa?
Oke saya kasih tau ya, konten ini gratis 100%
Ya, cuman butuh internet aja sih buat ngejalanin nya.
Mau tau caranya?
Yuk simak baik-baik.

  1. Daftar dulu disini sama ajalah. 
  2. Ketik nomer HP kamu yang ingin di isi pulsa nya. (misal : 087875xxxxxx)
    eits jangan lupa, kalo ada tulisan "Kami telah mengirimkan kode konfirmasi Anda ke 62*********** di negara Indonesia" lihat negaranya apa, entar kalo negaranya Amerika, sampe ayam jadi beranak juga gak bakalan dapet pulsanya. 
  3. Cek HP kamu, ada SMS masuk gak? yang isinya kode konfirmasi.
  4. Habis terima kode konfirmasi, ketik deh kodenya apa, terus klik Lanjutkan
  5. Terus, tinggal jawab deh survei survei nya. Hadiahnya sampe pulsa Rp. 100.000,- loh. mudah-mudah pula
Gampang kan? Buruan daftar!
Gausah komat kamit lagi.